Set Goals You Can Reach
Break a big goal into small steps. If you plan to increase your physical activity, start by taking one 5-minute walk three times a week. Then try walking longer or more often.
Make changes that you can stick with for the rest of your life. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, be active and limit portion sizes. Don't just go on a "diet."
Create a Plan to Deal With Diabetes
Think about all your reasons for staying in control of your blood sugar. Make a list and post it where you see it often.
Figure out what can tempt you to slip up when it comes to blood sugar control. Decide now how you will handle these events next time.
Reward yourself for staying in control. Rent a movie, buy a plant, or spend time with a friend.
Ask for a little help from friends and family when you're down or need someone to talk to.
Manage Setbacks
California Diabetes Foundation
2975 Huntington Drive, Suite 202
San Marino, CA 91108
*NDEP is a Joint Program of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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